NIH3T3 cells were co-transfected with Gal4-DAF-12_LBD from Dim, Bma, Hco or Cel and luciferase gene reporter construct and then incubated for 24 hours with mammalian sera. (A) Activation of DAF-12 from Dim, Bma, Hco or Cel by regular sera from different species, compared with charcoal-stripped FBS, or (B) Activation of DAF-12 from Dim and (C) activation of DAF-12 from Bma by regular or charcoal-stripped sera from different mammalian species. Data represent the average of normalized luciferase activity and the error bars correspond to the standard deviations from three wells (A) or three independent experiments (B and C). The dash line in (A) shows an RLU of 1. The significance of the effects in (B) and (C) was analyzed by unpaired Student’s t-tests using Prism 6.0 (Graph Pad Software, Inc.). ***p < 0.001.