Fig 6. Charcoal stripping of FBS affects the development of infective third stage D. immitis larvae.
(A) Image of a D. immitis L3 in process of completely shedding its cuticle (B) The iL3 stage larvae were collected from mosquitos and incubated in regular or charcoal-stipped FBS containing medium in the presence or absence of Δ4-DA. The iL3 undergoing molting or which had completed the molting from iL3 to L4 were scored daily under a microscope. The values plotted are the sum of the two effects: L3 molting + L4, and are the mean of 12 replicates with standard errors of the mean from 3 different pools of iL3s graphed using Prism 6.0 (Graph Pad Software, Inc.). (C) The percentage of developing L3 at day 4 extracted from the time course presented in (B). The significance of the effects was analyzed by unpaired Student’s t-tests using Prism 6.0 (Graph Pad Software, Inc.). *p < 0.05.