Symbol | Description |
Probability density function | |
Fiber orientation | |
Isotropic weighting parameter | |
Fiber alignment strength factor | |
Preferred fiber orientation | |
Modified Bessel function of the first kind of order zero | |
Stretch | |
Volume fraction of fibrin | |
Applied unidirectional deformation | |
V | Volume between photobleached fibrin gel markers |
V 0 | Initial volume between photobleached fibrin gel markers |
A | Mean cross-sectional area between photobleached fibrin gel markers |
A 0 | Initial mean cross-sectional area volume between photobleached fibrin gel markers |
P | First Piola-Kirchhoff stress |
First Piola-Kirchhoff stress for stress-relaxation | |
First Piola-Kirchhoff stress for constant strain-rate deformation | |
Tangent modulus for stress-relaxation | |
Initial stress tangent modulus for stress-relaxation | |
Final stress tangent modulus for stress-relaxation | |
Tangent modulus for constant strain-rate deformation | |
Green-Lagrange strain in the direction of applied deformation | |
Fiber modulus in Eq. (2) | |
Fiber nonlinearity in Eq. (2) | |
Scaling coefficients for the viscoelastic energy in Eq. (2) | |
Time scales of relaxation for the viscoelastic response in Eq. (2) | |
Modulus of the ECM ground substance in Eq. (6) | |
Reorientation function defined in Eq. (8) | |
Direction of principal stretch | |
Magnitude of the principal stretch | |
Parameter controlling the non-affine reorientation |