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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: Acta Biomater. 2023 Mar 24;162:292–303. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2023.03.026


Symbol Description
ρ Probability density function
θ Fiber orientation
ξ Isotropic weighting parameter
κ Fiber alignment strength factor
μ Preferred fiber orientation
I0 Modified Bessel function of the first kind of order zero
λ Stretch
ζ Volume fraction of fibrin
δ Applied unidirectional deformation
V Volume between photobleached fibrin gel markers
V 0 Initial volume between photobleached fibrin gel markers
A Mean cross-sectional area between photobleached fibrin gel markers
A 0 Initial mean cross-sectional area volume between photobleached fibrin gel markers
P First Piola-Kirchhoff stress
Psr First Piola-Kirchhoff stress for stress-relaxation
Pcn First Piola-Kirchhoff stress for constant strain-rate deformation
Esr Tangent modulus for stress-relaxation
Ein Initial stress tangent modulus for stress-relaxation
Eeq Final stress tangent modulus for stress-relaxation
Ecn Tangent modulus for constant strain-rate deformation
E11 Green-Lagrange strain in the direction of applied deformation
k1 Fiber modulus in Eq. (2)
k2 Fiber nonlinearity in Eq. (2)
β1,β2 Scaling coefficients for the viscoelastic energy in Eq. (2)
τ1,τ2 Time scales of relaxation for the viscoelastic response in Eq. (2)
k0 Modulus of the ECM ground substance in Eq. (6)
χ Reorientation function defined in Eq. (8)
θc Direction of principal stretch
λc Magnitude of the principal stretch
Γ Parameter controlling the non-affine reorientation