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. 2023 Jun 30;14(6):390. doi: 10.1038/s41419-023-05922-w

Table 1.

Summary of cases after SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients treated with ICIs.

No Author Age/Sex Country Comorbidity Cancer type ICIs treatment Time from last ICIs administration to COVID-19 diagnosis (days) Symptoms Chest CT (X-ray) findings Laboratory examination Treatments Outcome
Mild cases
1 Anastasopoulou et al. [34] 82/F Greece Hypothyroidism Melanoma, stage IV Nivolumab, 12 cycles 21 Fatigue, dyspnea Diffuse bilateral and peripheral lung infiltrates lymphopenia:0.61 ×109/l; CRP:54 mg/l Dexamethasone, remdesivir, ceftriaxone, oxygen Symptoms resolved and discharged
2 Arenbergerova et al. [35] 68/M Czech COPD Melanoma, stage IV Nivolumab for 12 weeks NA Chronic nonproductive cough NA NA Atenolol, ventolin inhaler Improved and continue with the adjuvant treatment while delaying the next dose by 3 weeks
3 Arenbergerova et al. [35] 29/F Czech NA Melanoma, stage IIIB Pembrolizumab, Q3W NA Fever, fatigue, dry cough. NA CRP↑ Paracetamol Improved and continue with the adjuvant treatment while delaying the next dose by 3 weeks
4 Arenbergerova et al. [35] 59/M Czech NA Melanoma, stage IIIB Pembrolizumab, Q3W NA Fever, fatigue, dry cough. NA CRP↑ Paracetamol Improved and continue with the adjuvant treatment while delaying the next dose by 3 weeks
5 Artigas et al. [36] 51/M Belgium NA Renal cell carcinoma Nivolumab NA Fatigue, anorexia Ground glass opacities in both lungs LDH: 365 U/L; lymphocyte: 1.16*103/mm3; CRP: 167 mg/L Hydroxychloroquine, piperacillin/tazobactam NA
6 de Joode et al. [37] 62/M Netherlands Type 2 diabetes, hypertension Renal cell cancer with metastases Ipilimumab, nivolumab 42 Cough, dyspnea NA Lymphocytes↓ Prednisolone, cefuroxime, azithromycin Died 30 days after discharged due to severe neurological deterioration
7 Di Giacomo et al. [38] 74/M Italy Renal cell carcinoma Metastatic cutaneous melanoma Anti-PD-1, 83 cycles 5 Fever, mild dyspnea, cough Bilateral pneumonitis CRP: 4.22 mg/liter; lymphocytes: 1060/mm3 Azithromycin, darunavir/ritonavir, hydroxychloroquine, oxygen therapy Improved and resumed ICI treatment
8 Di Giacomo et al. [38] 51/F Italy NA Melanoma, stage IV Anti-PD-1, 11 cycles 6 Asthenia, nausea, fever, headache NA CRP: 1.1 mg/liter; lymphocytes: 1105/mm3 Self-isolation Improved and resumed ICI treatment
9 M. Bonomi et al. [39] 65/M Italy None Lung cancer, stage IV Pembrolizumab 7 Fever, cough Diffuse ground glass opacities Lymphocytes: 0.21*103/mm3; CRP: 225.16 mg/L; IL-6:101.6 ng/l Darunavir, ritonavir, hydroxychloroquine, tocilizumab Improved and resumed chemoimmunotherapy without complications
10 O’Kelly et al. [40] 22/F Ireland NA Hodgkin lymphoma Pembrolizumab, 6 cycles, Q6W Nearly 30 Cough, pyrexia, sore throat, chills Infiltration of the lower lungs Lymphocytes: 0.27*109/l; CRP: 42 mg/L; LDH: 282 U/l Piperacillin–tazobactam, doxycycline, lopinavir, ritonavir hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin Improved
11 Pala et al. [41] 54/M Italy NA Melanoma with lung metastases Pembrolizumab, Q3W 29 Fever, mild anosmia Mild interstitial bilateral pneumonitis Normal Azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine Improved
12 Rolfo et al. [42] 62/M Columbia NA Lung cancer with metastases, stage IV Ipilimumab, nivolumab 8 Fever, fatigue, myalgia, chills, urticaria NA Ferritin:940 ng/mL, D-dimer: 2600 ng/dL Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, methylprednisolone, enoxaparin Symptoms resolved with no injury to the skin or joints
13 Rolfo et al. [42] 58/F Columbia NA Lung cancer Pembrolizumab NA Diarrhea, fever, dry cough, skin erythema Unremarkable CRP↑ Hydroxychloroquine, hydroxyzine, desloratadine methylprednisolone Improved
14 Schmidle et al. [43] 47/F German NA Melanoma, stage IV Nivolumab, Q4W 11 Sore throat, cough, headache, fever Unremarkable Normal Spontaneous remission Improved
15 Szabados et al. [44] 52/M UK Hypertension Metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma, stage IV Ipilimumab, nivolumab, 2 cycles 56 Fever, myalgia, dyspnea Bilateral lung infiltrates CRP: 272 mg/L; ferritin: 995 mg/l Co-amoxiclav, clarithromycin, oxygen therapy Improved and soon resumed cancer treatment
16 Szabados et al. [44] 68/M UK Hypertension Clear-cell renal cell carcinoma, stage IV Ipilimumab, nivolumab, 1 cycle 14 Fever, cough NA CRP: 18 mg/L Self-isolation Symptoms resolved and resumed cancer treatment
17 Szabados et al. [44] 66/M UK Hypertension Urothelial carcinoma, stage IV Atezolizumab, 6 months 21 Cough, dyspnea Persistent fibrotic changes CRP: 29 mg/L Self-isolation Symptoms resolved, resumed cancer treatment 36 days after COVID-19
18 Szabados et al. [44] 72/M UK Hypertension, diabetes Urothelial carcinoma, stage IV Atezolizumab, 4 months 21 Cough, diarrhea Unremarkable Creatinine: 276 mg/dl, CRP: 25 mg/dl; lymphocyte: 0.6*109/l Fluid replacement, tazobactam, piperacillin Improved, discharged, resumed atezolizumab 31 days after COVID-19
19 Yekedüz et al. [45] 75/F Turkey Hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease, COPD Metastatic malignant melanoma, stage IV Nivolumab, 27 cycles 8 Diarrhea, dyspnea, fever Bilateral pleural thickening CRP: 92 mg/L Oseltamivir, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, piperacillin/tazobactam Died 10 days after discharged due to chronic heart disease
Severe cases
1 Ahmed et al. [46] 83/F Germany NA Melanoma brain metastasis Nivolumab, ipilimumab 49 Dry cough, dyspnea, diarrhea, fever Severe pulmonary consolidation NA Anticoagulant therapy, tracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation Successfully weaned and extubated and is recovering adequately
2 da Costa et al. [47] 66/M Brazil Hypertension, diabetes Merkel cell carcinoma, stage IIA Pembrolizumab, Q3W, 13 cycles 18 Fever, dyspnea Bilateral pulmonary ground-glass opacities Leukocytes: 6650 g/dl; lymphocytes: 210 g/dl; CRP: 9.16 mg/dl Invasive mechanical ventilation, wide spectrum antibiotics, hydroxychloroquine, anticoagulant therapy, tracheotomy Discharged after ventilatory and neurological improvement
3 Di Noia et al. [48] 53/M Italy Squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus Metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer Nivolumab, 31 cycles 11 Fever, dyspnea Diffuse bilateral ground-glass opacities Leukocytes: 10.5×103/μl; CRP: 31.7 mg/dl; LDH: 616 U/L Oxygen therapy, supportive care Dead
4 L. Bonomi et al. [49] 65/M Italy Emphysema Metastatic lung cancer Nivolumab 18 Shortness of breath, fever, mental confusion Reticular interstitial addensative Lymphopenia, CRP↑; transaminases↑; LDH↑ Antibiotic treatment, oxygen therapy Dead
5 Lovly et al. [50] 56/M US Type 2 diabetes, COPD Small cell lung cancer Atezolizumab 2 Dyspnea, hypoxemia Bilateral ground glass opacities with interlobular septal thickening Ferritin: 804 ng/mL; LDH: 1218units/L Methylprednisolone, infliximab, oxygen therapy, vancomycin, piperacillin/tazobactam, immunoglobulin, intubation, mechanical ventilation Dead
6 Murata et al. [51] 70/M Japan NA Lung cancer, stage IIB Nivolumab, ipilimumab 4 Diarrhea, fever Unremarkable CRP: 10.29 mg/dl; IL-6: 69586 pg/ml Hydration, high dose corticosteroids, antibiotics Dead
7 Nishiyama et al. [52] 58/F Japan NA Adenocarcinoma of lung with metastasis Pembrolizumab, 2 cycles 22 Mild sore throat Unremarkable CK 5906 U/l, CK-MB 141.7 ng/ ml, troponin T 0.721 ng/ml, NT-proBNP: 1368 pg/ml Sotrovimab, amiodarone, methylprednisolone, cardiopulmonary resuscitation Dead

CK creatine kinase, CK-MB creatine kinase–myocardial band, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COVID-19 coronavirus disease 2019, CRP C-reactive protein, ICI immune checkpoint inhibitor, IL-6 interleukin-6, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, NA not applicable, NT-proBNP N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide, PD-1 programmed death-1, SARS-CoV-2 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2, UK United Kingdom, US United States.