A, Time course of IKr (top panel) and Kv11.1 membrane levels (middle panel) during 24 hours at baseline (solid lines) or with 5 μmol/L pentamidine (dashed lines), followed by 24 hours with simulated dofetilide application (1 μmol/L) and 24 hours at baseline, revealing acute inhibition and long-term rescue of Kv11.1 membrane levels only during the presence of pentamidine. The dashed vertical lines (grey) indicate the start and end time of dofetilide application. The bottom panel shows the action-potential morphology at various points in the time course shown in the other panels for the simulations with 1 μmol/L dofetilide with pentamidine (solid lines) and without pentamidine (dashed lines), showing acute prolongation of repolarization duration for both conditions, but only a slight shortening of repolarization after cessation of simulated dofetilide application due to the complete rescue and minor increase in Kv11.1 membrane levels. B, Similar to panel A, for 3.4 nmol/L dofetilide. The bottom panel shows action potential prolongation when pentamidine is present due to a reduction of the number of membrane channels. The subsequent simulated dofetilide administration (3.4 nmol/L) had minimal effects on Kv11.1 trafficking.