Figure 1.
Risk of malignancies (excluding NMSC), MACE, MI, VTE and all-cause death with tofacitinib versus TNFi in ORAL Surveillance by (A) age (≥ or <65 years) or (B) history of smoking (current, past or never) or (C) composite of age and smoking (‘Age ≥65 years and Ever smoked’ or ‘Age <65 years or Never smoked’). HRs (95% CIs), shown on a logarithmic scale, are based on a simple Cox proportional hazard model comparing combined tofacitinib doses versus TNFi. Arrow heads indicate that CI extends beyond the graph axis. IRs express the number of patients with first events per 100 PY. IRs, n and PY are for combined tofacitinib doses. *Results previously reported in Ytterberg et al.1 †Results reported in Curtis et al.7 IR, incidence rate; MACE, major adverse cardiovascular events; n, number of evaluable patients; N, number of patients with events; NMSC, non-melanoma skin cancer; PY, patient-years; TNFi, tumour necrosis factor inhibitor; VTE, venous thromboembolism.