Risk reduction across the age range in SPRINT-MIND
The left panel shows the cumulative incidence of cognitive impairment (a composite outcome of MCI or probable dementia) by age in SPRINT-MIND comparing intensive with standard treatment, accounting for the competing risk of death. The absolute risk reduction is greater in older adults (age 70 years or older), likely due to higher event rates. The right panel shows estimated overall and age-specific sub-distribution HR from a Fine-Gray competing risks regression model for cognitive impairment (same composite outcome) in SPRINT-MIND comparing intensive with standard treatment. Relative risk reduction is quite consistent across the age range. Shaded areas denote 95% CIs. Overall subdistribution Hazard Ratio (sHR) = 0.85, 95% CI = 0.75–0.97 (N.M.P., J.D.W., unpublished data).