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. 2023 Jun 21;12(2):e002183. doi: 10.1136/bmjoq-2022-002183

Table 1.

Association analysis between the outcome (tube obstruction) and explanatory measures in patients using nasoenteral tubes (N=366)

Measures Yes No P value
n % n %
No of medications prescribed via tube in 24 hours 6 4.6 5 4.6 0.0010*
No of medications scheduled for the same time 2 1.3 3 1.3 0.8170*
Time elapsed between preparation and administration of the drug 15 8.23 11 5.2 0.0020*
Compromising of biopharmaceutical aspects during crushing 73 57.5 172 72 0.0040†
Crushing the tablet to a fine and homogeneous powder
Yes 46 56.1 149 85.6 0.0010†
No 36 43.9 25 14.4
Washing the tube before administering the drug
Yes 27 21.3 94 39.3 0.0010*
No 100 78.7 145 60.7
Washing the tube between one medication and another
Yes 27 36 106 67.5 0.0010*
No 48 64 51 32.5
Washed the tube after the end of the medication
Yes 117 92.1 215 90.3 0.5700*
No 10 7.9 23 9.7

