Figure 5.
MdWRKY75 directly binds to the MdERF114 promoter. A) MdERF114 promoter sequence analysis reveals the presence of W-box binding element. B) Yeast one-hybrid (Y1H) assay shows that MdWRKY75 binds to the MdERF114 promoter. The yeast strain co-transformed with pGADT7 and pHIS2-proMdERF114 was used as the control. The screening concentration of 3-AT was 50 mM. C) Relative LUC/REN activity of Nicotiana benthamiana co-expressing MdWRKY75 and proMdERF114. Data are shown as means ± standard deviation (Sd) with three biological replicates in C. Different letters indicate significant differences between treatments based on Tukey's test (P < 0.05). D) EMSA indicates that MdWRKY75 binds to the W-box in promoter of MdERF114. The “+” represents the presence of relevant probes or proteins and “-” represents the absence of relevant probes or proteins. The 5'-TTGACC-3' is the motif bound by MdWRKY75 in “P” and the 5'-TTGACC-3' motif was replaced by 5'-GGACTT-3' in “mP”.