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. 2023 Jun 19;14:1192545. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2023.1192545

Table 3.

Downs and Black checklist for quality assessment of included studies.

Ueda et al. Du et al. Juan et al. Guo et al. Chen et al. Wanni et al. Grefkes et al. Gottlieb et al. Tosun et al.
Q1–Hypothesis/aim/objective clearly described Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q2–Main outcomes in Introduction or Methods Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q3–Patient characteristics clearly described Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q4–Interventions of interest clearly described Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q5–Principal confounders clearly described UTD−0 UTD −0 UTD−0 UTD−0 No−0 No−0 No−0 No−0 No−0
Q6–Main findings clearly described Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q7–Estimates of random variability for main outcomes Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q8–All adverse events of intervention reported No−0 No−0 No−0 No−0 No−0 No−0 No−0 No−0 No−0
Q9–Characteristics of patients lost to follow-up Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q10–Probability values reported for main outcomes Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
External validity
Q11–Subjects asked to participate were representative of source population UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0
Q12–Subjects prepared to participate were representative of source population UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0
Q13–Staff/places/facilities study treatment was representative of source population UTD−0 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 UTD−0 UTD−0 Yes−1 Yes−1
Internal validity—bias and confounding
Q14–Study participants blinded to treatment NO−0 Yes−1 Yes−1 NO−0 NO−0 NO−0 Yes−1 Yes−1 NO−0
Q15–Blinded outcome assessment No−0 Yes−1 Yes−1 NO−0 UTD−0 NO−0 NO−0 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q16–Any data dredging clearly described Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q17–Analyses adjust for differing lengths of follow-up Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q18–Appropriate statistical tests performed Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q19–Compliance with interventions was reliable Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q20–Outcome measures were reliable and valid Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q21–All participants recruited from the same source population Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q22–All participants recruited over the same time period UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0 UTD−0 Yes−1 UTD−0 UTD−0 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q23–Participants randomized to treatment(s) No−0 Yes−1 Yes−1 No−0 Yes−1 No−0 No−0 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q24–Allocation of treatment concealed from investigators and participants No−0 Yes−1 Yes−1 No−0 Yes−1 No−0 No−0 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q25–Adequate adjustment for confounding No−0 No−0 No−0 No−0 No−0 No−0 No−0 No−0 No−0
Q26–Losses to follow-up taken into account Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
Q27–Power analysis to detect treatment effect at significance level of 0.05 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1 Yes−1
TOTAL 16 21 21 17 20 16 16 22 21
Classification Fiar Good Good Fair Good Fair Fair Good Good

Yes−1; No−0; Unable to determine UTD−0.