Figure 10.
Lesions characteristic of moderate subacute ASF. Representative ASFV histopathology in pigs vaccinated with Ad5-ASFV constructs and then challenged by contact. Data from two representative pigs [6903-13 DPC: ASFV-No Adjuvant (A–C) and 6904-9 DPC: ASFV- BioMize (D)] are shown. (A) Minimal lymphoid depletion with variable lymphocytolysis (Insert A-100X) and expansion of cords and sinuses with large foamy macrophages, plasma cells, and eosinophils (40X) (submandibular lymph node). (B) Mild to moderate splenic lymphoid necrosis and thinning of periarteriolar sheaths accompanied by multifocal hemorrhage of the red pulp. (Insert B) Lymphocytolysis and necrotic cellular debris, macrophages, plasma cells, and eosinophils, (40X) (Insert B-200X) (spleen). (C) Moderate to severe, non-suppurative periportal hepatitis. Inflammation in portal regions consists of macrophages, degenerative lymphocytes, plasma cells, and lesser numbers of eosinophils, 100X (Insert C-200X). (D) Alveolar septa are markedly congested and variably thickened by mononuclear cell infiltration and cellular debris. Alveolar spaces multifocally contain aggregates of large foamy macrophages and degenerate inflammatory cells, fibrin, and edema 200X (Insert D-400X) (lung).