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. 2023 Jun 19;10:1208275. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1208275

Figure 12.

Figure 12

Lesions observed in chronic ASF. Atypical ASF histopathology in the survivor pig (6892-37 DPC) vaccinated with ASFV-No Adjuvant and then challenged by contact. (A) Moderate lymphoid hyperplasia with the expansion of follicles and cords. Variable yet infrequent lymphocytolysis occurs within germinal centers (40X) (Insert A-100X) (lymph node). (B) Moderate splenic lymphoid hyperplasia with the expansion of periarteriolar sheaths accompanied by hyperplasia of the reticular cells forming nodular bundles dispersed within the red pulp (arrow) and expansion of the red pulp with myeloid cell clusters (40X) (Insert B-200X) (spleen). (C) Moderate, non-suppurative hepatitis with moderate hepatocyte atrophy. Marked thinned hepatic cords are comprised of large irregularly arranged atrophied hepatocytes with foamy to vacuolated cytoplasm. Variable fibrosis occurs among cords and widens portal plates while multifocal, small aggregates of cellular debris, phagocytic cells, lymphocytes, and plasma cells occur among hepatic cords and in portal regions (100X) (left and right Insert B-200X, respectively) (liver). (D) Left ventricular myocardium (lower left) overlaid by markedly thickened and inflamed epicardium. Dense highly vascular fibrotic granulation tissue extends from the myocardium to the outer surface and contains numerous irregular clefts and cavitations with mixed inflammatory cells within these spaces and scattered among the edematous to fibrotic stroma (arrow). The outermost surface of the granulation tissue consists of a delicate network of capillaries, reactive fibroblasts, and numerous, often multinucleate, large histiocytic-like cells admixed with lymphocytes and plasma cells and variable numbers of eosinophils [12.5X_ (Insert D-200X)] (heart).