Figure 5.
(A) Stress–strain plot obtained from the cylindrical stud structure printed using acrylamide-only, κ-carrageenan-only, and acrylamide/κ-carrageenan hybrid gels. Inset shows a strain–stress plot of the κ-carrageenan structure. (B) Demonstration of compression and recoverability of a 3D-printed Mayan pyramid structure (scale bar—5 mm). (C) Force–strain plot for 3 compression cycles of the pyramid structure. (D) Compressive stress–strain plot for structures printed using two different concentrations (4 and 8 wt %) of κ-carrageenan in the hybrid gel. (E) Stress–strain plot for DN gel structures printed by varying laser exposure time at fixed laser intensity. Inset shows the change in the modulus of structures printed using different exposure times.