Identification of trNK and cNK genesets reflecting their fundamental difference
(A) Workflow of transcriptome profiling of trNK and cNK from liver, uterus, and salivary glands (SGs).
(B) Principal component analysis (PCA) of trNK and cNK from liver, uterus, and SGs (n = 2 per group).
(C) Schematics of integrative transcriptome comparison of trNK and cNK from liver, uterus, and SGs.
(D) Definition of trNK and cNK genesets in a 3D coordinate system based on integrative transcriptome comparison.
(E) 2D visualization of trNK and cNK genesets in a coordinate system defined by x = GECave and y = VGEC.
(F) Heatmap displaying the expression of trNK and cNK genesets by the two NK subgroups from liver, uterus, and SGs.