Fig. 5.
Significance of lymphatic metastases in patients with complete response of the primary tumor. Comparison of the different groups of patients. The best OS can be achieved in patients with pCR (ypT0ypN0). Residual tumor in lymphnodes in patients with complete response of the primary tumor (non-CR T0N+) is associated with a poor survival probability, which is comparable unfavorable as in patients with non-CR in the primary tumor-site and with lymphatic spread (non-CR T+N+). Patients without lymphnode metastases (non-CR T+N0) have only a slightly impaired OS-probability compared with patients with pCR. (A) All patients with EC after neoadjuvant treatment (EAC and ESCC combined) (Median OS—pCR: Median OS not reached, non-CR T0N+: 22.0 months (95%-CI: 10.4–33.5), non-CR T+N-: Median OS not reached, non-CR T+N+: 23.0 months (95%-CI: 15.3–30.7), P-values: pCR vs. non-CR T0N+: 0.001, pCR vs. non-CR T+N-: 0.055, pCR vs. non-CR T+N+: <0.001, non-CR T0N+ vs. non-CR T+N-: 0.016; non-CR T0N+ vs. non-CR T+N+: 0.956; non-CR T+N- vs. non-CR T+N+: <0.001), (B) in patients with EAC (Median OS—pCR: Median OS not reached, non-CR T0N+: 43.0 months (95%-CI: not estimable), non-CR T+N-: Median OS not reached, non-CR T+N+: 23.0 months (95%-CI: 15.8–30.2), P-values: pCR vs. non-CR T0N+: 0.025, pCR vs. non-CR T+N-: 0.129, pCR vs. non-CR T+N+: <0.001, non-CR T0N+ vs. non-CR T+N-: 0.108; non-CR T0N+ vs. non-CR T+N+: 0.868; non-CR T+N- vs. non-CR T+N+: <0.001) and (C) in patients with ESCC (Median OS—pCR: Median OS not reached, non-CR T0N+: 10.0 months (95%-CI: 0.0–22.7), non-CR T+N-: 31.0 months (95%-CI: 14.3–47.7), non-CR T+N+: 10.0 months (95%-CI: 2.8–17.2), P-values: pCR vs. non-CR T0N+: 0.017, pCR vs. non-CR T+N-: 0.042, pCR vs. non-CR T+N+: <0.002, non-CR T0N+ vs. non-CR T+N-: 0.419; non-CR T0N+ vs. non-CR T+N+: 0.827; non-CR T+N- vs. non-CR T+N+: <0.380). pCR (ypT0ypN0) patients with signs of postneoadjuvant regression in lymphnodes have the same OS-probability compared with patients without signs of regression in the examined lymphnodes (P = 0.975). (D) In patients with EAC (P = 0.919). (E) In patients with ESCC (P = 0.828).