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. 2020 Jan 6;147(3):340–347. doi: 10.1017/S0031182019001641

Table 5.

LC50 (μg cm−2) establishment and slope of essential oils against mature (adults) and immature stages (eggs and larvae) of Ctenocephalides felis felis

Essential oil Flea stage LC50 (μg cm−2) (95% CI) Slope (s.e.) χ2
Alpinia zerumbet Adult (24 h) 553.31 (405.42–874.22) 337.80 (2.95) 0.091
Adult (48 h) 456.27 (330.04–722.87) 172.10 (2.44) 0.105
Egg 13.07 (5.07–26.29) 4.05 (1.30) 0.483
Larvae 7.29 (2.08–15.38) 3.72 (1.30) 0.503
Cinnamomu spp. Adult (24 h) 67.87 (49.80–94.54) 70.07 (1.65) 0.269
Adult (48 h) 41.87 (29.89–59.66) 37.20 (1.51) 0.156
Egg 1.80 (1.27–2.22)  44 626.21 (17.59) 1.000
Larvae 0.43 (0.15–1.00) 142.59 (22.68) 1.000
Laurus nobilis Adult (24 h) 412.09 (n.f.) 79.43 (2.22) 1.000
Adult (48 h) 454.88 (289.91–869.10) 28.96 (1.67) 1.000
Egg 2.41 (0.47–5.76) 4.33 (1.34) 0.262
Larvae 0.52 (0.1–1.83) 4.31 (1.41) 0.100
Mentha spicata Adult (24 h) 597.56 (406.13–1160.17) 77.22 (2.44) 0.987
Adult (48 h) 380.09 (269.74–609.94) 74.71 (2.10) 0.995
Egg 30.39 (11.20–78.52) 2.98 (1.29) 0.111
Larvae 12.57 (2.62–33.08) 2.67 (1.28) 0.143
Ocimum gratissimum Adult (24 h) 5.85 (4.47–7.54) 651.51 (2.75) 0.438
Adult (48 h) 4.49 (3.54–5.62) 4752.81 (4.18) 0.951
Egg 1.79 (0.94–2.50) 275.75 (3.78) 0.995
Larvae 1.21 (0.35–1.80) 463.70 (6.70) 1.000
Cymbopogon nardus Adult (24 h) 597.05 (276.56–1204.19) 6.22 (1.37) 0.179
Adult (48 h) 486.05 (190.29–868.60) 3.80 (1.31) 0.205
Egg 11.98 (4.88–23.32) 4.40 (1.31) 0.207
Larvae 7.32 (2.50–14.76) 4.36 (1.32) 0.260

Probit analyses were performed for all data using Minitab® 16 (2013, Minitab Inc., LEADTOOLS, LEAD Technologies, Inc.); LC50 (μg cm−2) (95% CI): 50% lethal concentration values together with their 95% confidence interval; Slope (s.e.): slope of the concentration curve and standard error; χ2: goodness of fit test as accuracy of data fitting to probit analysis. Values showed no significant heterogeneity at the level of P ⩾ 0.05); n.f.,  not found.

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