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. 2023 Jul 3;9:51. doi: 10.1186/s40798-023-00597-1

Table 6.

Circulating Muscle Proteins

Study Subjects Age (years) Exercise Time points Marker Results Other findings
Time to peak Magnitude of change Time to recovery
Clarkson and Dedrick [50] 20 healthy females (10 young, 10 older) 24 ± 3, 67 ± 5

24 reps eccentric contractions of elbow flexors

115% maximal isometric strength

Baseline, 24-, 48-, 72-, 96-, 120-h CK 120-h ↑180 IU/L (273%)*# Not recovered
Ferri et al. [55] 9 healthy males 72 ± 4

10 × 10 reps seated calf raises

70% 1-RM

Baseline, 1-, 48-, 96-, 144-h







↑52 U/L (60.3%)*

↑19 U/L (73.2%)*

↑17 U/L (5.3%)*




Lavender and Nosaka [45] 20 healthy males (10 young, 10 older) 19 ± 0, 71 ± 2

6 × 5 reps eccentric contractions of elbow flexors

40% maximal isometric strength

Baseline, 0-, 24-, 48-, 72-, 96-, 120-, 144-, 168-h





↑ 1996 IU/L (1358%)*#

Baseline not given*

Not given

Not given

Peak CK and Mb higher in young
Lavender and Nosaka [46] 18 healthy males (10 young, 8 older) 20 ± 2, 71 ± 4

6 × 5 reps eccentric contractions of elbow flexors

40% maximal isometric strength

Baseline, 0-, 24-, 48-, 72-, 96-h





↑1657 IU/L (1641%)*#

↑ 406 ng/ml (824%)*#

Not recovered

Not recovered

Increases in CK and Mb higher in young

Repeated bout significantly attenuated increases in Mb

Thalacker-Mercer et al. [66] 39 healthy adults (19 younger, 20 older) 37 ± 1, 73 ± 1

9 × 10 reps bilateral, concentric-eccentric knee extension

40% MIVC

Baseline, 24-h CK N/A ↑54 U/L (46%)* Not recovered
Chen et al. [56] 26 healthy males 66 ± 5 6 × 10 reps maximal eccentric contractions of knee extensors Baseline, 0-, 24-, 48-, 72-, 96-, 120-h





↑ 1473 IU/L (1009%)*#

↑254 ug/L (726%)*#

Not recovered Previous sub-max exercise significantly attenuated increases in CK and Mb
Funghetto et al. [61] 90 obese females 69 ± 6 7 × 10 reps eccentric bilateral knee extension isoinertial machine with a load corresponding to 110% of 10-RM Baseline, 0-, 3-, 24-, 48-h CK 24—48-h ↑39- 47 IU/L (42–44%)* Not recovered Only GG allele group had a peak significantly higher than baseline
Buford et al. [57] 30 healthy adults (15 young, 15 older). Each group 5 females, 5 males 23 ± 4, 76 ± 5

150 reps unilateral eccentric contractions of plantar flexors

110% 1-RM

Baseline, 48-, 168-h CK 48-h ↑0.14 (log) IU/L Not recovered Older peaked later than young
Tajra et al. [62] 90 obese females 69 ± 6 7 × 10 reps eccentric bilateral knee extension isoinertial machine with a load corresponding to 110% of 10-RM Baseline, 0-, 3-, 24-, 48-h CK 48-h


↑ 202 U/L (157%)*# (high responders)


Not recovered

Evidence for high and low responders to CK
Nikolaidis [49] 20 healthy males (10 young, 10 older) 22 ± 4, 67 ± 5

5 × 15 reps of back squat

75% 1-RM on a Smith machine

Baseline, 48-h CK N/A ↑ 1534 IU/L (1112%)*# N/A No difference between young and older
Cornish et al. [64] 11 healthy males 72 ± 5 144 reps at 60% 1-RM OR 120 reps at 72% 1-RM OR 108 reps at 80% 1-RM of chest press, shoulder press, seated row, leg press, leg extension, and plantar flexion Baseline, 0-, 3-, 6-, 24- 48-h Mb 3—6-h ↑20 ng/ml (96%)*# 48-h No effect of intensity on Mb
Pereira et al. [65] 28 healthy males

GG genotype: 71 ± 4

CC/CG genotype: 72 ± 4

10 × 7 reps of eccentric contractions of knee flexors and extensors Baseline, 0-, 3-, 24-, 48-h CK 24-h ↑85 U/L (57%)*# Not recovered No difference between genotypes
Skarabot et al. [58] 33 healthy adults (12 young, 11 older). 2 and 3 females respectively 27 ± 5, 66 ± 4 10 × 6 reps maximal eccentric contractions of dorsi-flexions Baseline, 0-, 24-, 72-h CK 24-h ↑108 IU/L (111%)* Not recovered Repeated bout significantly attenuated increases in CK
Rodriguez-Lopez et al. [67] 15 healthy adults (9 males, 6 females) 73.6 ± 3.8

6 × 6 reps leg press

80% of 1-RM (heavy)

6 × 12 reps leg press

40% of 1-RM (light)

Baseline, 0-, 24-h





↑59 U/L


N/A No effect of load
De Sousa Neto et al. [63] 88 obese females 69 ± 6 7 × 10 reps eccentric bilateral knee extension isoinertial machine with a load corresponding to 110% of 10-RM Baseline, 0-, 3-, 24-, 48-h CK 48-h Not recovered No effect of muscle quality

1-RM one-repetition maximum, reps repetitions, CK creatine kinase, Mb myoglobin, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, h hours, ↑ increase, ↔ no change

#Data extracted from figures

*Significantly different from baseline