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. 2023 Jun 26;31:100674. doi: 10.1016/j.lanepe.2023.100674

Table 2.

Characteristics of the study population, TRACTOR project, France, 2002–2016.

Main characteristics FM without depression (n = 1,004,054)
FM with depression (n = 84,507)
n (%) n (%)
 Female 300,218 (30) 37,045 (44)
 Male 703,836 (70) 47,462 (56)
Age (years)
 Mean (SD) 46.4 (14.2) 49.1 (13.4)
Family status
 Single 438,382 (44) 30,628 (36)
 As a couple 565,672 (56) 53,879 (64)
First year of the farm's establishment
 Median (IQR) 1994 (17) 1992 (14)
Farm surface (expressed in hectares)
 Median (IQR) 15.7 (4.4) 25.1 (5.5)
Farm location (region)
 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 108,850 (10.8) 8578 (10.2)
 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté 60,456 (6.0) 5408 (6.4)
 Bretagne 74,719 (7.4) 6583 (7.8)
 Centre - Val de Loire 45,569 (4.5) 4265 (5.1)
 Corse 4949 (0.5) 377 (0.4)
 Grand Est 75,520 (7.5) 6234 (7.4)
 Hauts-de-France 44,472 (4.4) 3926 (4.7)
 Île-de-France 12,955 (1.3) 1129 (1.3)
 Normandie 73,899 (7.4) 6739 (8.0)
 Nouvelle-Aquitaine 165,248 (16.5) 15,135 (17.9)
 Occitanie 155,051 (15.4) 11,774 (13.9)
 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur 105,964 (10.6) 8089 (9.6)
 Pays de la Loire 76,402 (7.6) 6270 (7.4)
Number of farms
 1 farm/>1 farm 980,011 (98)/24,043 (2) 82,099 (97)/2408 (3)
Farm type (farm clustering)
 Individual farm 700,989 (70) 55,599 (66)
 Farm with work partners 303,065 (30) 28,908 (34)
Partner work status
 Do not perform task to help farm manager 887,853 (88) 72,457 (86)
 Perform task to help farm manager 116,201 (12) 12,050 (14)
Number of associates
 0/≥ 1 774,790 (77)/229,264 (23) 61,442 (73)/23,065 (27)
Secondary activity
 No secondary activity 616,535 (61) 70,055 (83)
 At least one secondary activity 387,519 (39) 14,452 (17)
Lack of job security
 Has never been unemployed during the observation period 1,002,149 (99.8) 84,294 (99.7)
 Has been unemployed during the observation period 1905 (0.2) 213 (0.3)
Median yearly insurance premium (euros)
 Median (IQR) 5064 (9987) 6126 (10,612)
 No employee 733,262 (73) 56,882 (67)
 At least one employee 270,792 (27) 27,625 (33)
Specialist consult
 No 347,962 (35) 0 (0)
 Yes 656,092 (65) 84,507 (100)
GP consult
 No 362,178 (36) 222 (0.3)
 Yes 641,876 (64) 84,285 (99.7)
Pre-existing disability
 Did not become disabled before the disease of interest declaration 1,000,549 (99.6) 83,593 (99)
 Became disabled before the disease of interest declaration 3505 (0.3) 914 (1)
Number of pre-existing comorbidities (LTI)
 0 comorbidity before the disease of interest declaration 761,360 (76) 48,685 (58)
 1 comorbidity before the disease of interest declaration 123,556 (12) 16,347 (19)
 >1 comorbidity before the disease of interest declaration 119,138 (12) 19,475 (23)

Note: FM: farm manager, GP: general practitioner, IQR: interquartile range, LTI: long-term illness, SD: arithmetic standard deviation.