Fig. 1.
Representative histological and immunohistochemical images of endometrial carcinoma. A) non-endometrioid histological type showing a neoplastic gland of a serous endometrial carcinoma adjacent to a normal endometrial gland (original magnification ×200). B) MLH1: loss of immunoexpression in tumor cells and normal expression in stroma (original magnification ×200). C) MSH6: loss of expression in tumor cells (original magnification ×200). D) L1CAM-positive: membranous staining in more than 10% of tumor cells (original magnification ×100). E) wild-type p53 expression with some tumor cells showing nuclear staining (original magnification ×100). F) mutant-type p53 showing strong and diffuse expression in tumor cells, with non-neoplastic glands and stroma with normal expression pattern (original magnification ×100).