Figure 6.
TEM images of (a) SPIONs, (b) SPION@CA, (c) SPION@CA-Dox, and (d) SPION@CA-epirubicin.233 (e) TEM image and the particle size distribution analysis of DOX-Fe3O4@agar, (f) Magnetic strength of Fe3O4 and DOX-Fe3O4@agar, (g) Drug release profiles of DOX-Fe3O4@agar at pH 7, (h) The SAR values and temperature achieved by Fe3O4, DOX-Fe3O4@agar, and DOX-Fe3O4@agar in HT-29 cells under applied AMF (applied field = 400 A, frequency = 250 kHz), (i) Schematic of effects of DOX-Fe3O4@agar for eliminating HT-29 cancer cells under hyperthermia, (j) fluorescence microscopy images of HT-29 cells after 1-hr of incubation with DOX-Fe3O4@agar, and (k) Cell survival of HT-29 cells treated by DOX-Fe3O4@agar with and without MHT.
Notes: The significance levels denote as * (p < 0.05), ** (p < 0.01), and *** (p < 0.001) indicate the degree of statistical significance when compared to the control group. (i, j, and k) Reprinted from Wang Y-J, Lin P-Y, Hsieh S-L, et al. Utilizing edible agar as a carrier for dual functional doxorubicin-Fe3O4 nanotherapy drugs. Materials. 2021;14(8):1824. Creative Commons.204