Table 2.
Various Methods for Synthesis of MNPs
Routes | Methods | Condition | Temp (°C) | Duration (min/hrs/d) | Nano-Size | Capability of Morphology Control | Production Scale | Refs |
Chemical | Co-precipitation | Facile in ambient conditions | 20–150 | Quick (min) | Small | Poor | Large | [80,81] |
Chemical | Sol-gel synthesis | Difficult | 25–200 | Average (hrs) | Small | Good | Normal | [82,83] |
Chemical | Electrochemical | Difficult | Room | Slow (hrs - d) | Small | Good | Normal | [84,85] |
Green | Biosynthesis | Difficult | Room | Slow (hrs) | Average | Poor | Large | [86,87] |
Green | Green-based | Easy | Room | Quick (min - hrs) | Small | Poor | Large | [20,37] |
Physical | High-temperature thermal decomposition | Difficult | 100–350 | Slow (hrs - d) | Very small | Good | Large | [88,89] |
Physical | Hydrothermal or solvothermal synthesis | Facile, High pressure | 150–220 | Slow (hrs - d) | Very small | Great | Large | [90,91] |
Physical | Pulsed laser ablation pyrolysis | Difficult | Room | Quick (min - hrs) | Small | Good | Large | [92,93] |
Physical | Microwave-assisted | Difficult | Room | Slow (hrs) | Average | Good | Normal | [94,95] |
Physical | Microemulsion | Difficult | 20–80 | Average (hrs) | Small | Good | Small | [96,97] |
Physical | Sonolysis or sonochemical | Very facile | 20–50 | Very quick (min) | Small | Poor | Normal | [98,99] |
Physical | Aerosol/vapor | Difficult, controlled conditions | Above 100 | Average (min- hrs) | Small | Good | Large | [100,101] |