Summed voting tallies for each choice within individual cells of the 41 consensus working group respondents voting either to monitor (green), not to monitor (red), or maybe to monitor (yellow—depending on other issues such as evolution of examination, repeat CT, other injuries, etc). The table on the left represents a clinical examination allowing the full GCS; the table on the right is restricted to GCS motor score alone. The 80% indicators represent the consensus thresholds. Patients are assumed to be resuscitated (eg, not hypotensive, hypoxic, or hypothermic), not coagulopathic, and available for serial examination for the near future. The examination is assumed to have been conducted with minimal or no sedation. Unexaminable = Unable to examine pupils due to local trauma or other non-neurological causes. EML = evacuated mass lesion(s); NEML = nonevacuated mass lesion(s) >25 cc; EML/DI “X” = evacuated mass lesion(s) appended with Marshall diffuse injury classification (DI I-IV) of immediate postoperative CT (for patients where initial ICP monitor placement decision occurs after mass lesion evacuation—see text); CT classification modified from Marshall et al13. CT, computed tomography; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; ICP, intracranial pressure; TBI, traumatic brain injury.