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. 2023 Jun 6;101:skad188. doi: 10.1093/jas/skad188

Table 6.

Comparison of in vivo determined nitrogen and phosphorus intake, retention, and excretion with the calculated retention from NRC (2012) model, and blood urea nitrogen and creatinine of pigs fed with phase 2 grower diets1

SEM P-value
Feed intake, kg/d 2.01 1.93 1.95 1.94 0.06 0.5285
N intake, g/d 54.89a 40.35c 48.26b 49.19b 1.39 <0.0001
N in feces, g/d 7.36b 6.33b 9.48a 9.11a 0.58 <0.0001
N in urine, g/d 15.93a 9.21b 12.12b 11.96b 1.35 0.0004
N excreted, g/d 23.28a 15.53b 21.59a 21.06a 1.32 <0.0001
N retained, g/d 31.61a 24.81b 26.67b 28.13b 1.27 0.0001
N digestibility, %2 86.60a 84.25a,b 80.50c 81.38b,c 2.28 0.0002
Net protein utilization, %3 57.75 61.44 55.26 57.14 2.76 0.073
Apparent biological value, %4 66.75 72.92 68.75 70.23 1.28 0.176
P intake, g/d 8.43a 6.79c 7.71b 7.14b,c 0.29 <0.0001
P in feces, g/d 4.39 4.14 3.94 3.83 0.26 0.1614
P retention of intake, % 47.89a 39.10b 49.08a 46.37a,b 2.89 0.0079
Predicted N retention5, % 30.23 38.12 36.77 36.52
Predicted P retention5, % 32.39 34.25 42.21 42.36
BUN6, mg/dL 10.41a 5.90b 8.18a,b 6.79b 1.23 0.0061
Creatinine, mg/dL 1.62 1.59 1.81 1.83 0.25 0.6983

1DDGS = CSBM diet with 30% distillers dried grains with solubles; DDGS + IVT = DDGS diet supplemented with L-Ile, L-Val, and L-Trp.

2N digestibility = N digested/ N intake = (N intake—N feces)/ N intake × 100.

3Net protein utilization = N retained/ N intake = (N intake—N feces—N urine)/ N intake × 100.

4Apparent biological value = N retained/ N digested = (N intake—N feces—N urine)/ (N intake—N feces) × 100.

5Predicted N and P retention from the NRC (2012) model for a 50–75 kg pig.

6BUN, blood urea nitrogen.

a,b,cValues with different superscripts within the columns are different (P < 0.05).