Association of TMErisk with cellular and molecular signatures
(A) TME-related Functional enrichment was performed by the compareCluster function. The x-axis represents different selected genes used for conducting enrichment analysis. The left facet panel shows the enriched pathways for genes up-regulated in the high-TMErisk group, and the right facet panel shows the enriched pathways for genes up-regulated in the low-TMErisk group.
(B) The heatmap shows the normalized infiltration abundance of immune and stromal cells that estimated by CIBERSORT, EPIC and xCell algorithms. In the Wilcoxon test results, the orange asterisks indicate cells significantly enriched in the low-TMErisk group, and the lightgreen asterisks indicate cells significantly enriched in the high-TMErisk group. ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001; ns, not significant. See also Figures S5–S8.