Figure 5.
Utilization of initial glycosyl transferases (Itrs) and Wza, Wzb, Wzc, Wzx, and Wzy proteins in the K-type prediction of A. baumannii. (A) Input page of the serotype predictor module. The input sequence can either be directly provided through its NCBI accession ID (here, NCBI ID: KC526894.2 is taken as an example) or manually pasted in the given box, or uploaded as a FASTA format file. (B–D) are the outcomes displayed on the result page: (B) The details of the input sequence, predicted serotype, and protein-coding regions considered for serotyping are displayed in the top part of the result page. (C) The reliability (in percentage) of the serotype prediction from the alignment of individual protein-coding regions is represented through a graph (see text for details). (D) The top hits corresponding to the serotype predictions from the individual proteins are summarized in tables. Notably, the tables show the multiplicity in the serotype prediction using the individual proteins, which is overcome by the use of multiple proteins, thus providing a single serotype.