Fig. 5.
Diurnal and postprandial plasma lipid levels. APOE∗3-Leiden.CETP mice were exposed to 6-h phase advancement every 3 days (circadian disturbance; CD) or regular 12:12 light–dark cycle (Control), while having either ad libitum food access (AL) or food access during the dark phase only (time-restricted feeding; TRF) for a total duration of 14 weeks. During days 23–24, plasma was collected at Zeitgeber time (ZT) 0, 6, 12, and 18 to measure (A) triglycerides (TG) (B) from which the area under the curve (AUC) was calculated, and (C) total cholesterol (TC) (D) from which the AUC was calculated (n = 13–15 mice/group). ZT0 was double-plotted, and cosinor analysis was used to plot sinewaves and calculate acrophase and amplitude. On day 67, mice received an oral olive oil bolus to measure postprandial (E) plasma TG levels (F) from which the AUC was calculated (n = 5–8 mice/group). (G) Plasma TC levels were monitored throughout the study (H) from which the AUC was calculated (n = 12–15 mice/group). The total cholesterol exposure throughout the study (TC AUC) was plotted against the square root of the (I) total lesion area and (J) total MAC-3 positive lesion area from which B and Pearson correlation coefficients were determined. Data are presented as means ± SD. $CD + AL vs. CD + TRF; ∗ Control + AL vs. CD + AL; &Control + TRF vs. CD + TRF. $ P < 0.05; &&,∗∗P < 0.01, according to two-way ANOVA and following Tukey's multiple-comparison test.