Figure 8.
Impact of LA on gut microbiome.
Notes: WT mice on Viv chow, SO or PL diets for 12 weeks were treated with 2.5% DSS for 6 d, followed by 3 d recovery: % body weight loss (a) and colonic histology (b) of DSS-treated mice. Big arrow, immune infiltrate; small arrow, loss of crypt structure; Scale bar is 400 microns. Additional sections are shown in Supplementary Figure 9. (c) Disease activity index (DAI) after 6 weeks on an indicated diet. See Supplementary Table 2 for details on DAI scores. * vs Viv, a vs untreated WT Viv, b vs untreated WT SO+f. T-test, P < .05 N = 5–12 per group.