Core questionnaire (n = 225 620)
Socio-demographic: date of birth, sex, ethnicity, education level, employment status, occupation, income, marital status
Family history: family characteristics, family history of cancer and other major diseases
Health status: self-rated health status, history of cancer and other diseases, reproductive history, prescribed medications, health-seeking behaviour (i.e. routine medical checkups, dental checkups, cancer screening)
Behavioural factors: alcohol, smoking, physical activity (International Physical Activity Questionnaire—Short Form), sleep, diet (fruit and vegetable servings per day)
Environmental factors: current residential address, environmental tobacco smoke, sun exposure, current occupation and shift work
Self-reported anthropometry: height, weight, waist and hip circumference
Physical measurements (n = 12 818)
Anthropometry: standing and sitting height, weight, body fat (bioimpedance), waist and hip circumference
Blood pressure and heart rate
Grip strength: right and left hand grip strength
MRI of the brain, neck vessels, heart and abdomen (n ∼ 3100)
Sleep and circadian function: home-based ambulatory actigraphy, overnight home-based respiratory monitoring (n ∼ 4000)
Follow-up questionnaires (n = 47 772)
Updates to core questionnaire
Cancer treatment
Marijuana use, e-cigarette use
Work history: type of job, physical demands, exposure to hazardous materials, commuting characteristics, psychosocial environment (n = 33 782)
Biological samples
Venous blood: aliquots: serum, plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells or whole blood in dimethyl sulfoxide or separated (n = 40 034), lymphocytes in dimethyl sulfoxide (n ∼ 6000), urine (n = 12 600), blood spots (n = 9956)
Lab values (n = 32 684)
Interpretive variables (e.g. time of last meal), glycated haemoglobin, complete blood count, cytokine panels (n = 1400)
Ecologic environmental measurements (n = 225 620)
Greenness: vegetation indices, growing season
Neighbourhood: active living environments, night-time light, material and social deprivation index, marginalization index, access to employment, proximity to roads and water bodies, gentrification, urban interventions, and equity, green roads, urban sprawl, building density, public transportation, noise
Air quality: ozone (O3), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), smoke exposure (PM2.5)
Weather: climate metrics, water balance metrics, local climate zone
Administrative health data (n = 188 351)
Ontario Cancer Registry (OCR), Registered Persons Database (RPDB), Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS), all-causes mortality file from the Registrar General, primary care data, physician billing claims (OHIP) data, ICES-derived cohorts of chronic conditions, the Canadian Organ Replacement Register (CORR), the Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS), screening programs
COVID-19 data (n = 42 145)
Clinical factors: COVID-19 test status and date, symptoms, outcomes, underlying health conditions, medication use
Exposures: travel, family/household exposure, contact with a case
Psychosocial and socio-economic factors
Vaccination status, vaccine products and dates received
Select job classifications
Blood spots and serial anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels (n = 9956)
Genotyping/sequencing (n = 9600; ongoing activity)