Extended Data Fig. 5. Head fixed vs freely moving active sleep.
a) Top: Images of an octopus taken throughout the AS bout (top-down view, images taken 5 s apart). Bottom: mean skin brightness over time during the bout. b) Mean skin brightness over time shows QS punctuated rhythmically by AS bouts in freely behaving animals (top) and during head fixation (bottom). c) Zoomed in view of single AS bouts, showing filtered data used for calculating AS duration (black), start and end times (green and red arrowheads) for freely behaving and head fixed animals. Qualitative differences between experimental conditions possibly reflect different levels of sleep depth, or recording differences (whole body vs mantle). d) AS bout duration is similar in head fixed (N = 76 bouts from 9 animals) and freely behaving (N = 478 bouts from 6 animals) conditions under a range of detection thresholds (Methods). Error band: ±1 SD. e) Kernel density estimates of AS bout inter-event intervals are similar in head fixed and freely behaving animals (Normal distribution kernel, freely behaving animal data (N = 14) temperature matched to head fixed data (N = 12), >23.5 °C and <24.5 °C.