Fig. 5. Magnitude (M) vs. degree of modulation pattern that reflects awareness level (S).
The overall magnitude (M) generated for a particular RSN is plotted against the degree to which a network reflects the four conditions of awareness (S) for each metric of interest: μ[Φmax] (a), Φ* (b), CD (c), and μ[ρ] (d). Vertical error bars represent the standard deviation of each network’s M, while horizontal error bars represent the standard error of each network’s S value. Within each subplot, the dashed vertical lines correspond to the median value of S obtained out of all networks. We use this median to separate RSNs whose modulation patterns strongly correspond to changes in awareness level. Networks are labeled as: FPN frontoparietal, DMN Default mode, RS Retrosplenial, DAN Dorsal attention, VAN Ventral attention, CO Cing. Opercular, CP Cing. Parietal, SMH Sensorimotor hand, SMM Sensorimotor mouth, VIS Visual, AUD Auditory. For source data, see Supplementary Data 4.