Figure 4:
Reinstatement of active lever pressing (mean±SEM), plotted as a function of treatment group collapsed across sex (Panel A) or by treatment within males (Panel B) or females (Panel C). Footshock (Panel A, left) caused stress-induced reinstatement of active lever pressing that was significantly reduced by treatment with either dose of PT150. In contrast, yohimbine-induced reinstatement (Panel A, right) was not significantly altered by PT150. Sex differences in responding occurred across all test conditions, with males (Panel B) responding significantly less than females (Panel C). Exploratory examination of the effects of PT150 separately within males and females revealed that both doses of PT150 reduced footshock-induced reinstatement in males (Panel B), but not in females (Panel C). FDR-adjusted planned comparisons: ^p < 0.05 vs control condition (no shock or vehicle); *p < 0.05 vs placebo treatment; +p < 0.05 vs 1 mg/kg yohimbine.