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. 2023 Apr 25;10(19):2207174. doi: 10.1002/advs.202207174

Table 2.

Carrier types “e” and “h” denote “electron” and “hole,” respectively. For hole mobility, there are two quasi‐degenerate sub‐bands at valence band maximum (VBM), which are labeled as “h1” and “h2,” respectively. mx and my are the effective masses along the x (zigzag) and y (armchair) directions. Ex and Ey are the deformation potential constants, and Cx and Cy are the elastic modulus. µx and µy are the room‐temperature carrier mobilities. The 1L, 2L, and 3L represent one layer, two layers, three layers, respectively

System Carrier type m*/m 0 Ex [ev] Ey Cx  [J m−2] C y  [J m−2] ui [cm2 V−1 s−1] Ref.
ux uy
Lu2CF2 e 0.197 1.10 5.65 5.60 154 155 1120 206 [132]
h1 3.06 3.75 4.68 −1.78 154 155 14.4 81.1
h2 0.332 0.348 5.00 −2.11 154 155 1.17 6.29
Lu2C(OH)2 e 0.280 0.231 −0.696 −0.507 154 154 95.1 217.1
h1 2.55 2.69 −6.374 0.182 154 154 0.0121 14.01
h2 0.185 0.163 −6.374 −6.037 154 154 2051 2.91
Sc3(CN)F2 e 0.21 1.70 5.722 4.144 262.15 1348 319 [134]
h1 2.93 2.81 4.422 4.622 262.15 78 78
h2 0.51 0.53 −3.098 −2.894 262.15 956 1003
Hf2CO2 e 0.231 2.162 10.57 7.101 293.6 291.0 329 77 [116d]
h1 0.423 0.164 7.636 2.297 293.6 291.0 924 260
h2 0.164 0.414 2.023 7.442 293.6 291.0 343 100
TiCO2/Zr2CO2 e 2.448 0.387 3.120 4.700 484 484 118.147 2083.232 [122]
h 0.192 0.367 2.000 2.220 484 484 46 740.451 10 382.867
TiCO2/Hf2CO2 e 2.483 0.437 2.780 4.340 528 533 157.798 1801.090
h 0.181 0.445 1.980 1.940 528 533 58 540.494 10 183.890
Fe2CO2 e 6.99 2.45 1.63 1.04 211.41 53.23 378.80 [135]
h 0.66 1.10 1.28 1.50 214.09 4455.42 1975.94
Co2CF2 e 1.06 7.54 6.94 4.08 168.89 22.69 69.67
h 0.64 1.72 4.52 3.97 169.29 238.61 115.39
Co2C(OH)2 e 2.01 0.59 2.30 2.22 185.99 184.06 240.17
h 0.59 0.39 2.73 1.19 189.86 3573.28 13 891.38
Ni2CF2 e 0.34 3.85 1.77 3.08 137.76 2192.84 64.43
h 0.30 1.78 3.78 2.61 138.86 853.88 304.63
Ti2CO2 e 0.44 0.53 5.71 0.85 267.27 265.21 611 254 [133]
h 0.14 0.16 1.66 2.60 267.27 265.21 74 100 22 500
Posphorene e 1.12 0.124 5.34 2.79 103 24.5 177 1380 [136]
Sc2CF2 e 0.253 1.46 2.26 1.98 193 182 503 1070
h1 2.25 1.46 1.91 −4.17 193 182 483 386
h2 0.461 0.438 −5.00 2.20 193 182 309 261
Sc2C(OH)2 e 0.496 0.494 −2.65 −2.57 173 172 206 219
h3 5.01 0.269 −3.46 −9.94 173 172 51 114
h4 0.290 1.91 −10.0 −2.23 173 172 164 238
Nb2CN2 e 0.11 0.06 0.44 1.51 409.52 844.15 4 755 000 1 526 000 [137]
h 0.11 0.05 5.06 4.87 25 000 95 000
Ta2CN2 e 0.11 0.08 8.82 8.26 458.10 940.27 12 000 37 000
h 0.10 0.06 1.85 2.45 318 000 621 000
ScCCl2 (1L) e 0.23 1.319 1.17 1.19 158.9 161.1 19 277 3351 [131]
h 0.685 2.260 1.88 1.79 158.9 161.1 1127 380
2L e 0.231 1.337 1.07 1.04 311.9 316.7 45 342 8421
h 0.412 1.809 2.05 2.03 311.9 316.7 4437 1047
3L e 0.232 1.325 1.40 1.34 475.8 479.8 40 457 7806
h 0.379 1.887 1.76 1.76 475.8 479.8 10 227 2074