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. 2023 Jul 6;21(7):e08073. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2023.8073
Overview of the evaluation of Takahashia japonica for bundles of whips and seedlings
Rating of the likelihood of pest freedom Pest free with some exceptional cases (based on the Median)
Percentile of the distribution 5% 25% Median 75% 95%
Proportion of pest‐free bundles 9,903 out of 10,000 bundles 9,947 out of 10,000 bundles 9,972 out of 10,000 bundles 9,988 out of 10,000 bundles 9,997.6 out of 10,000 bundles
Percentile of the distribution 5% 25% Median 75% 95%
Proportion of infested bundles 2.4 out of 10,000 bundles 12 out of 10,000 bundles 28 out of 10,000 bundles 53 out of 10,000 bundles 97 out of 10,000 bundles
Summary of the information used for the evaluation

Possibility that the pest could become associated with the commodity

The pest is present in the UK. First instar (crawlers) can be easily spread with the wind from the surroundings of the nurseries. The pest is extremely polyphagous. There are host species in the surroundings of the nurseries. An initial infestation of the pest could go undetected or confused with nymphs of other species during inspections.

Measures taken against the pest and their efficacy

General measures taken by the nurseries are effective against the pest. These measures include (a) inspections, surveillance, monitoring, sampling and laboratory testing; (b) hygiene measures; (c) application of pest control products and (d) removal of infested plant material.

Interception records

In the EUROPHYT/TRACES‐NT database, there are no records of notification of Acer plants for planting neither from the UK nor from other countries due to the presence of T. japonica between the years 1995 and December 2022 (EUROPHYT/TRACES‐NT, online).

Shortcomings of current measures/procedures


Main uncertainties
  • Pest abundance in the nursery and the surroundings.
  • The precision of surveillance and the application of pesticides used and other measures targeting the pest.
Overview of the evaluation of Takahashia japonica for bare root plants/trees up to 7 years old
Rating of the likelihood of pest freedom Pest free with some exceptional cases (based on the Median)
Percentile of the distribution 5% 25% Median 75% 95%
Proportion of pest‐free plants 9,916 out of 10,000 plants 9,953 out of 10,000 plants 9,978 out of 10,000 plants 9,992 out of 10,000 plants 9,998.6 out of 10,000 plants
Percentile of the distribution 5% 25% Median 75% 95%
Proportion of infested plants 1.4 out of 10,000 plants 8 out of 10,000 plants 22 out of 10,000 plants 47 out of 10,000 plants 84 out of 10,000 plants
Summary of the information used for the evaluation

Possibility that the pest could become associated with the commodity

The pest is present in the UK. First instar (crawlers) can be easily spread with the wind from the surroundings of the nurseries. The pest is extremely polyphagous. There are host species in the surroundings of the nurseries. An initial infestation of the pest could go undetected or confused with nymphs of other species during inspections.

Measures taken against the pest and their efficacy

General measures taken by the nurseries are effective against the pest. These measures include (a) inspections, surveillance, monitoring, sampling and laboratory testing; (b) hygiene measures; (c) application of pest control products; and (d) removal of infested plant material.

Interception records

In the EUROPHYT/TRACES‐NT database, there are no records of notification of Acer plants for planting neither from the UK nor from other countries due to the presence of T. japonica between the years 1995 and December 2022 (EUROPHYT/TRACES‐NT, online).

Shortcomings of current measures/procedures


Main uncertainties
  • Pest abundance in the nursery and the surroundings.
  • The precision of surveillance and the application of pesticides used and other measures targeting the pest.
Overview of the evaluation of Takahashia japonica for plants in pots up to 7 years old
Rating of the likelihood of pest freedom Pest free with some exceptional cases (based on the Median)
Percentile of the distribution 5% 25% Median 75% 95%
Proportion of pest‐free plants 9,899 out of 10,000 plants 9,943 out of 10,000 plants 9,972 out of 10,000 plants 9,990 out of 10,000 plants 9,997.3 out of 10,000 plants
Percentile of the distribution 5% 25% Median 75% 95%
Proportion of infested plants 2.7 out of 10,000 plants 10 out of 10,000 plants 28 out of 10,000 plants 57 out of 10,000 plants 101 out of 10,000 plants
Summary of the information used for the evaluation

Possibility that the pest could become associated with the commodity

The pest is present in the UK. First instar (crawlers) can be easily spread with the wind from the surroundings of the nurseries. The pest is extremely polyphagous. There are host species in the surroundings of the nurseries. An initial infestation of the pest could go undetected or confused with nymphs of other species during inspections.

Measures taken against the pest and their efficacy

General measures taken by the nurseries are effective against the pest. These measures include (a) inspections, surveillance, monitoring, sampling and laboratory testing; (b) hygiene measures; (c) application of pest control products; and (d) removal of infested plant material.

Interception records

In the EUROPHYT/TRACES‐NT database, there are no records of notification of Acer plants for planting neither from the UK nor from other countries due to the presence of T. japonica between the years 1995 and December 2022 (EUROPHYT/TRACES‐NT, online).

Shortcomings of current measures/procedures


Main uncertainties
  • Pest abundance in the nursery and the surroundings.
  • The precision of surveillance and the application of pesticides used and other measures targeting the pest.