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. 2023 Jul 6;21(7):e08074. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2023.8074
N Risk mitigation measure Effect on the pest Evaluation and uncertainties
1 Registration of production sites Yes

As the plant passport is very similar to the EU one, the Acer plants shall be free from quarantine pests.

  • None.
2 Physical separation No Not relevant. Physical separation is not a barrier for S. dorsalis because the adults can fly.
3 Certified plant material Yes

The measure is effective against the pest.

  • None.
4 Growing media No Not relevant. Scirtothrips dorsalis is not present in soil.
5 Surveillance, monitoring and sampling Yes

Although the incoming plant material is thoroughly checked, later infestation by S. dorsalis can go undetected, because its small size.

  • Capacity of detection of the pest on Acer plants.
6 Hygiene measures Yes

Weeding can have some effect on the reduction of Scirtothrips populations. The other measures are not relevant.

  • None.
7 Removal of infested plant material Yes

Removal of generically damaged plants will reduce the probability of carrying S. dorsalis.

  • None.
8 Irrigation water No Not relevant.
9 Application of pest control products Yes

Chemical control measures adopted when the pest is found may have a substantial effect of pest suppression.

  • Thrips are difficult to control with chemicals because of hidden habits and potential resistance.
10 Measures against soil pests No Not relevant.
11 Inspections and management of plants before export Yes

Inspection should detect S. dorsalis as symptoms are clear.

  • Capacity of detecting symptoms at low pest density.
12 Separation during transport to the destination No Not relevant. Acer plants are not individually separated during transportation. The pest can infest other plants carrying leaves.