N | Risk mitigation measure | Effect on the pest | Evaluation and uncertainties |
1 | Registration of production sites | Yes |
Although E. excrescens is not a quarantine pest, it has been listed the UK Plant Health Risk Register until 2020 and it is easy to spot. The risk mitigation measure could have some effects in reducing the likelihood of presence of the pest on the commodity.
2 | Physical separation | No | Not relevant. Physical separation is not a barrier for E. excrescens because crawlers can be easily spread by wind and air currents. |
3 | Certified plant material | Yes |
The risk mitigation measure could have some effects in reducing the likelihood of presence of the pest on the commodity.
4 | Growing media | No | Not relevant. Eulecanium excrescens is not present in soil. |
5 | Surveillance, monitoring and sampling | Yes |
Incoming plant material is thoroughly checked, E. excrescens is easy to spot. The risk mitigation measure could have some effects in reducing the likelihood of presence of the pest on the commodity.
6 | Hygiene measures | Yes |
Nymphs could move with equipment/clothes of the nursery staff. The described measures could have very little effect in reducing the likelihood of presence of the pest on the commodity. Eulecanium excrescens is not present on weeds.
7 | Removal of infested plant material | Yes |
Removal of generically damaged plants could reduce the probability of carrying E. excrescens.
8 | Irrigation water | No | Not relevant. |
9 | Application of pest control products | Yes |
Chemical control measures adopted when the pest is found may have a substantial effect of pest suppression.
10 | Measures against soil pests | No | Not relevant. |
11 | Inspections and management of plants before export | Yes |
Inspection should detect E. excrescens as signs are clear (honeydew).
12 | Separation during transport to the destination | No | Not relevant. Acer plants are not individually separated during transportation. |