Figure 1.
Comparison of the experimental IR spectra of the (a) [M+Li]+, (b) [M+Na]+, (c) [M+Cs]+, (d) [M–H]−, (e) [M+Cl]−, and (f) [M+NH4]+ ions of d-glucose (blue), d-mannose (red), and d-galactose (green). Panels (c) and (f) compare the IR spectra of the m/z 313 ion ([M+Cs]+) detected in cesium-spiked urine of a galactosemia patient and the m/z 198 ion ([M+NH4]+) detected in the HILIC-MS analysis from the same (un-spiked) urine sample (black traces) to the three reference spectra for the same ion-type.