3-trimester NOWS does not alter affective behavior or reward/reinstatement in adulthood. (A) Time spent in open arms in the elevated zero, during 5-min total test. For males, there was no effect of NOWS treatment (Effect size = 0.002). For females, there was a modest effect of NOWS treatment [F(1,41) = 2.9, p < 0.1]. (B) Entries into the open arm during elevated zero maze. There was no effect of NOWS treatment in either sex (Males, Effect Size = 0.008, Females, Effect Size = 0.02). (C) Time immobile in the tail-suspension test. There was no effect by NOWS treatment in either sex (Males, Effect Size = 0.005; Females, Effect Size = 0.04). (D) Number of failures to escape foot shock in a learned helplessness test. There was no effect of NOWS treatment in either sex (Males, Effect Size = 0.005; Females, Effect Size = 0.02). (E,F) Escape latency over 25 trials in the learned helplessness test. There was no effect of NOWS treatment in males (Effect size = 0.03) or females (Effect size = 0.02). (G) Morphine conditioned-place preference in male adult mice. There was a significant effect of CPP session [F(1,34) = 36.1, p < 0.001] but no effect of NOWS treatment. (H) Morphine conditioned-place preference in female adult mice. There was a significant effect of CPP session [F (1,38) = 8.4, p < 0.01], but no effect of NOWS treatment. (I) Locomotor sensitization during CPP morphine conditioning sessions in male mice. There was a significant effect of conditioning session [F(3,105), p < 0.001], but no effect of NOWS treatment. There was a modest NOWS x session interaction [F(3,105) = 2.3, p < 0.1]. (J) Locomotor sensitization during CPP morphine conditioning sessions in female mice. There was a significant effect of conditioning session [F(3,117) = 145.3, p < 0.001], but no effect of NOWS treatment. (K) Number of nose pokes in daily 2-h remifentanil (0.1 mg/kg/infusion) IV-self-administration sessions. Sessions included 2 training sessions in which both nose pokes delivered drug infusions, 6 sessions of FR1 reinforcement and 4 sessions of FR2 reinforcement. There was a significant effect of session [F(10,110) = 11.4, p < 0.001], but no effect of NOWS treatment. (L) Breakpoint for progressive ratio with 0.1 mg/kg/infusion remifentanil. There was no effect of NOWS treatment on PR breakpoint. All data was generated from 16 total litters (6 saline, 10 NOWS).