Fig. 5.
Stress-responsive analysis of DoSWEETs. a Cis-acting elements analysis of DoSWEETs promoters using PlantCARE. The 2000 bp upstream sequences from the translational initiation codon of DoSWEETs were analyzed. The identified elements were divided into three classes, including stress-response, tissue-specificity, and progress-specificity. Dot color and size indicate the type and number of the elements, respectively. b DoSWEET2b and DoSWEET16 were regulated by low temperature, drought stress, and MeJA treatment. Gray and red represent down- and up-regulation, respectively. The downloaded RNA-seq datasets of low temperature and MeJA treatment contained three replicates, while the datasets of drought stress had only one biological replicate. Log2(mean FPKM of experimental group/control group) values were used to draw the heatmap. c The log2 fold change of DoSWEETs expression under different stresses detected by RT-qPCR. PEG treatment was used to simulate the drought stress conditions. Bars represent means ± SD (n = 3). The symbols above each column indicate the significant differences compared with control based on Student’s t-test (**P < 0.01; *P < 0.05; ns. represented no significance)