Table 1.
Metric Descriptions
Heidelberg SP-X1902 | Mean | Expected probability of OCTA signal for a pixel in the vasculature slab |
Skeleton | Estimation of the center line of a blood vessel – equivalent to vessel length density | |
Sum | Amount of OCTA signal within a vasculature slab—equivalent to vessel density | |
Prob | Probability that OCTA signal exists in the vasculature slab | |
Binary | Binary classification determined by whether the A-scan in the vasculature slab includes a vessel | |
Ves en | Binarized classification, preserving small vessels | |
MatLab | FD | Mathematical measure describing the complexity of a biological structure |
SFD | Measure of FD when the vessels are represented as a 1-pixel wide central line of the vessel | |
VD | Total perfused vasculature in area of binarized measurement | |
SVD | Measure of VD when vessels are represented as a 1-pixel wide central line (vessel length density) | |
ImageJ | FAZ area | Area of foveal avascular zone (mm2) |
FAZ perimeter | Perimeter of foveal avascular zone (mm) | |
VD | Total perfused vasculature in area of measurement | |
Fractalyse | FD | Complexity of vascular branching on binarized images. |
Units in brackets. Arbitrary units where no units are given. OCTA, optical coherence tomography angiography; Ves en, vessel enhanced; FD, fractal dimension; SFD; skeletal fractal dimension; VD, vessel density; SVD; skeletal vessel density; FAZ, foveal avascular zone.