Figure 13.
Quality versus magnetism in 2D TMDs. (a) Temperature dependent M versus H loops for a MBE grown, 30% V-doped 2D on sapphire showing the absence of any ferromagnetism at 100 K. (b) As-grown V-doped 2D sample grown on was intentionally annealed to create Se vacancies. (c) Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) phase images measured at 120 K for as-grown and 500 °C annealed 0.5% V-doped are compared: The as-grown exhibits a negligible MFM phase contrast with respect to the . In contrast, the annealed exhibits a distinct magnetic domain contrast, confirming ferromagnetism in the annealed sample. Panels (b) and (c) were adapted and modified with permission from ref 256. Copyright 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.