Training increases encoding of the VT token-based stimuli in the left hippocampus. Linear mixed-effects analysis revealed a significant three-way interaction between training phase, algorithm, and hemisphere (β = −0.151, t(36) = −3.027, p = 0.005). To investigate this interaction, we created interaction effects plots. A, The mean Fisher-transformed Pearson correlation between neural and model RDMs estimated from the mixed-effects model for the vocoded group are represented by the opaque lines. For the VT-vocoded group, post hoc tests show a trending difference between pretraining and post-training in the right (t(30.7) = 2.387, p = 0.0902 Sidak-adjusted) but not the left hippocampus (t(30.7) = 0.785, p = 0.901 Sidak-adjusted). B, Same as in A, but for the token-based group. Post hoc tests show no significant difference in the right (t(30.7) = 0.506, p = 0.978 Sidak-adjusted), but do show a significant difference in the left hippocampus (t(30.7) = 3.232, p = 0.012 Sidak-adjusted). Values above each violin indicate the uncorrected p value from a one-sample t test against 0. Semitransparent lines indicate raw individual subject correlations from either the left (teal) or right (orange) hippocampus. Horizontal lines in the violin plots indicate the median. Green asterisk and orange tilde represent significant (p ≤ 0.05) and trending (p ≤ 0.1) differences, respectively, after multiple comparisons correction.