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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 Jul 6.
Published in final edited form as: J Vis Exp. 2022 May 19;(183):10.3791/63778. doi: 10.3791/63778


Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Alexa Fluor 546 phalloidin Invitrogen A22283 F-Actin Stain (1/500 of 66μM)
Alexa Fluor 647 phalloidin Invitrogen A22287 F-Actin Stain (1/100 of 66μM))
Anti-GM130 Antibody abcam ab30637 For Golgi Stain (colocalization); use as concentration of 7μg/uL
Aqua-Polymount Polysciences, Inc. 1860620 Mounting Medium
Bakers Yeast (Active Dry Yeast) Genesee Scientific 62–103 To fatten the overies for dissection
Bovine Serum Albumin (30% solution) Sigma-Aldrich A7284 For blocking solution
Depression wells Electron Microscopy Sciences 7156101 For dissection (glass concavity slide can be used instead)
Dissecting needle Fisher scientifc 13–820-024
Drosophila Incubator Genesee Scientific/Invictus
Fly Stock: Perlecan-GFP Drosophila line (ZCL1700) Morin et al., 2001
Fly Stock: UAS-Crag RNAi line (TRIP line HMS00241) Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center 33594 RNAi against Crag
Fly Stock: Viking-GFP Drosophila line (CC00791) Buszczak et al., 2007
Fly Stock: Vkg-GFP, tj-Gal4 Devergne et al., 2017. Drive the expression of Crag RNAi in the FE
Forceps (Dumont 5) Fine Science Tools 11251–30 For dissection
Glass Concavity Slide Electron Microscopy Sciences 7187804 For dissection (depression wells can be used instead)
Goat anti-Rabbit IgG, Alexa Fluor 568 Invitrogen A11036 Secondary antibody (GM130 antibody) (5 μg/mL)
Hoechst (Hoechst 33342) Invitrogen H3570 DNA Stain (1 ug/mL)
Kimwipes Kimtech Fisher Scientific: 06–666 Delicate task wipers
Leica Fluorescent Stereo Microscope M165 FC Leica For ovary imaging
Microscope Slides Corning 294875X25 Microscope Slides
Nutating platform rocker Corning Life Sciences 6720 For ovary fixation and staining
Nutri-Fly BF Genesee Scientific 66–121 Fly Food
Paraformaldehyde 20% Solution Electron Microscopy Sciences Fisher Scientific: 15713 For PFA 4%
Phosphate Buffered Saline Tablets Fisher scientific BP2944100 For PBS solution
ProLong Glass Antifade Mountant Invitrogen P36980 Mounting Medium
Square Cover Glass Corning 285022 Cover glass for microscope slides
Triton x-100 Sigma-Aldrich 9036–19-5 For PBST
Zeiss LSM 900 with Airyscan 2 Zeiss Confocal and super-resolution Microscope
Zeiss Stemi 305 Stereo Microscope Zeiss Dissecting microscope
Zeiss Zen Software version 3.3 (Blue Edition) Zeiss Image acquisition and processing