FOXK1 is an epigenetic regulator of cardiac development.52 Enriched heatmap of the nucleoATAC data showing more nucleosome free regions (NFR) in control samples as compared to Foxk1 KO samples at D3 and D5 at the Foxk1-binding sites. We divided the FOXK1-binding sites into four regions, showing NFR in both, NFR in control and nucleosome occupied region50 in Foxk1 KO, NOR in control and NFR in Foxk1 KO, and NFR in both. (C–D) Venn diagram shows the overlap of increased accessibility and up-regulated genes between ATACseq and RNAseq, respectively, in the control group at D3 and D5 over the Foxk1 KO group. (E–F) The heatmap shows commonly expressed transcription factors in both the ATACseq and RNAseq datasets up-regulated and down-regulated in the control EBs over the Foxk1 KO EBs at D3 and D5. The heatmap colour scheme key is provided, with red representing up-regulated and blue representing down-regulated genes.