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. 2023 Jun 21;14:1062830. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1062830

Table 5.

Preferences of lung cancer patients for treatment options based on the latent class analysis with health locus of control.

Attributes Class1 Class2
Beta SE 95% CI Beta SE 95% CI
How the treatment is given to you Pill (ref) 0 0
Infusion in hospital 12 hours −0.65*** 0.13 −0.91; −0.39 0.05 0.12 −0.18; 0.28
Infusion in hospital 24 hours −0.44*** 0.15 −0.72; −0.15 −0.18 0.13 −0.43; .07
Chance of surviving 5 years after starting this cancer treatment 0.44*** 0.03 0.38; 0.51 0.07*** 0.01 0.05; 0.08
Chance of long-lasting skin problems −0.04*** 0.01 −0.05; −0.03 −0.02*** 0.00 −0.03; −0.01
Chance of being extremely tired −0.06*** 0.01 −0.07; −0.05 −0.02*** 0.00 −0.03; −0.02
Severity of hair loss Complete loss of hair (ref) 0 0
Some hair loss 0.92*** 0.16 0.59; 1.25 0.63*** 0.12 0.40; 0.86
No hair loss 1.52*** 0.19 1.14; 1.89 0.52*** 0.12 0.28; 0.77
Mean class probability 0.655 0.345
Class assignment model
Constant 0.59 0.51 −0.42; 1.59
Health locus of control internal −0.95*** 0.35 −1.64; −0.27
chance −0.79** 0.34 −1.45; −0.13
doctor 0.62* 0.35 −0.07; 1.31
others 0.63* 0.34 −0.05; 1.29
High health literacy 1.00*** 0.37 0.28; 1.72
Elderly (aged >65 years) −0.81** 0.35 −1.50; −0.12
High education 1.34** 0.62 0.13; 2.55
Model fit measures
Loglikelihood −1427.59
AIC 2899.2
Pseudo R2 0.44

Beta values with ***, ** are significant at 1%, 5% respectively. Probability attributes are based on a one-point increase in probability. SE = standard error of the mean, CI = confidence interval, AIC = Akaike information criteria.