Fig. 4. SpatialDM identifies differential LR interaction between foetus and adult intestines.
a Heatmap coloured by global z-score p-values of adult-foetus differential pairs (likelihood ratio test FDR < 0.1, two-sided), including 135 adult-specific (low p-values in A1 and A2), and 98 foetus-specific. b Volcano plot highlighting adult-specific and foetus-specific pairs, in orange and green, respectively (FDR < 0.1). z difference (x-axis) cutoffs were taken at 30% and 70% quantiles, respectively. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. c, d Pathway enrichment results for adult-specific and foetus-specific pairs. Dot sizes indicate enrichment significance from one-sided Fisher’s Exact Test results. Only pathways with 2 or more selected pairs were visualised.