Fig. 2. Temporal trends in Plasmodium falciparum burden.
a Changes in prevalence of different Plasmodium falciparum burden indicators in the three areas (colours) and in total (black) (same sample sizes as for b–g). Error bars indicate the 95% CI. b–g Temporal trends in the number of weekly clinical cases (dashed grey lines) (n = 15,467 divided in the three areas), positivity rates in children 2–10 years old (n = 3933) from cross-sectional surveys (green dots), and in pregnant women at first ANC visit (coloured lines), for the three studied areas (from top to bottom) (n = 6471, 1754 and 4717 for all, PG and MG divided by the three areas). Panels a, c, e show estimates from qPCR results, and panels b, d, f show estimates using the detection limit of RDTs to define parasite rates. Time lags that maximise the Pearson correlation coefficients of the temporal trends between ANC data and clinical cases were applied (see Table 1). PG primigravid women, MG multigravid women, XS cross-sectional surveys. Data are presented as mean values ±SD.