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. 2023 Feb 15;13(6):2483–2509. doi: 10.1016/j.apsb.2023.02.006

Table 3.

Various organ-on-a-chip systems for drug screening.

Organ/tissue type Drug model Cell source Chip material ECM material Fabrication technique Readout signal Application Ref.
Heart Verapamil Primary neonatal CM Quartz Gelatin Electron beam lithography CM contraction status Therapeutic efficacy evaluation 109
Isoproterenol Rat CM PIPAAm N/A Laser engraver Contractility Therapeutic efficacy evaluation 110
Doxorubicin Human iPSC-CM PDMS Hydrogel 3D bioprinting Beating rate Toxicity assessment 111
Isoproterenol Human iPSC-CM PDMS Gelatin Soft lithography Cardiac field potentials Toxicity assessment 112
Liver Acetaminophen HepG2/C3A PDMS Fibronectin N/A Transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomic profiles Toxicity assessment 123
Acetaminophen HepG2/C3A PDMS GelMA hydrogel 3D bioprinting Secretion rates of hepatocyte markers Toxicity assessment 113
Acetaminophen Primary mouse hepatocytes Silicon N/A Photolithography Liver-related biomarkers Toxicity assessment 117
Chlorpromazine PDMS
Metformin Primary human hepatocytes PMMA N/A Laser cut Cell viability Therapeutic efficacy evaluation 125
White adipocytes PDMS Insulin resistant biomarkers
Elafibranor Human primary hepatocyte Collagen Hydrogel Standard photolithography Cell morphology Therapeutic efficacy evaluation 114
Kupffer cells Hepatic biomarker level
Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells
Hepatic stellate cells
Hydrocortisone Human primary hepatocytes Commercialized LiverChip (CNBio Innovations) N/A N/A Pharmacokinetic parameters Metabolism study 127
Kupffer cells
Simvastatin Primary rat hepatocytes PDMS Collagen Photolithography Cell viability Metabolism study 128
Atorvastatin Human prostatic cancer cells Glass Soft lithography Transcriptomics
Kidney Cyclosporine A Proximal tubule epithelial cells Silicon Hydrogel 3D bioprinting Cell morphology Toxicity assessment 134
Hydrogel Cytoskeleton organization
Polymyxin B Human primary proximal tubule epithelial cells Nortis device Collagen N/A Gene expression Toxicity assessment 135
Injury biomarkers
Cholesterol concentrations
Gentamicin Madin–Darby canine kidney cells PDMS Fibronectin UV polymerization Cell viability Toxicity assessment 136
Kidney injury marker
Cisplatin Proximal tubule epithelial cells lines (ciPTEC-OAT1 and RPTEC) OrganoPlate® Collagen N/A Cell viability Toxicity assessment 137
Tenofovir Biomarker release
Tobramycin Barrier integrity
Cyclosporin A Gene expression
Cisplatin Renal proximal tubular epithelial cells PDMS Collagen Laser-cutting Cell viability Toxicity assessment 138
Gentamicin Peritubular capillary endothelial cells
Cyclosporine A
Adriamycin Human iPSC-derived podocytes PDMS N/A Stereolithography Podocyte layer integrity Toxicity assessment 140
Human glomerular endothelial cells Cell viability
Puromycin Human podocytes OrganoPlate™ N/A N/A Podocyte morphology Therapeutic efficacy evaluation 141
Aminonucleoside Glomerular endothelial cells
Brain Dextrans 4 k, 20 k, 70 k Endothelial cell line (b. End3) PDMS Fibronectin Piranha etch Cell viability Drug delivery study 142
Propidium iodide Astrocyte cell line (C8D1A) Glass Laser patterning Astrocytic morphology
Polycarbonate TEER levels
Methamphetamine Primary human brain microvascular endothelial cells PDMS Mixture of fibronectin and collagen Soft lithograph BBB permeability Metabolism study 143
Primary brain microvascular pericytes PTE Metabolites expression
Primary human neural cells
Lung Interleukin-13 Primary human airway epithelial cells PDMS Collagen Stereolithography Gene expression Therapeutic efficacy evaluation 155
Chemokines and cytokines concentrations
Neutrophil adhesion
Remdesivir Human alveolar epithelial type II cell line PDMS Collagen Conventional soft lithography Alveolar-capillary barrier permeability Therapeutic efficacy evaluation 156
Lung microvasculature cell line Inflammatory cytokines concentration
Gene expression
Intestine Ifosfamide Human intestinal epithelial cells (Caco-2) PDMS Nitrocellulose Soft photolithography Drug metabolite level Metabolism study 158
Verapamil Collagen
Dimethyloxaloylglycine Human intestinal epithelial cells (Caco-2) PDMS Collagen Soft lithography Intestinal permeability Therapeutic efficacy evaluation 159
Matrigel ROS generation and lipid peroxidation
Injury-biomarker expression
Nafamostat Intestinal epithelium Emulate™ N/A N/A Viral load Therapeutic efficacy evaluation 160
Remdesivir Cytokine secretion
Skin Dexamethasone Human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaTs) PDMS N/A Soft lithography Proinflammatory cytokine (IL-1β, IL-6) and chemokine (IL-8) levels Therapeutic efficacy evaluation 162
HS27 Fibroblasts
Blood vessel Sorafenib and sunitinib HUVEC PDMS Collagen 3D printing Morphology of the angiogenic sprouts Therapeutic efficacy evaluation 166
Liver/heart Cyclophosphamide Human iPSC-CM PDMS Collagen Standard photolithography Beat frequency Metabolism-associated toxicity assessment 176
Terfenadine Human primary hepatocytes PMMA Deep reactive ion etching Conduction velocity
HepG2/C3A QT-interval
Contractile force
Liver/kidney Vitamin D3 HepG2 Device from ChipShop N/A N/A Level of mRNA expression Metabolism study 177
HL60 cells
Liver/muscle/neuron/heart Doxorubicin HepG2/C3A Silicon on insulator (SOI) wafer N/A Photolithography Cell viability Toxicity assessment 178
Atorvastatin iPSC-CM Cell functionality
Valproic acid Skeletal myofiber
Acetaminophen Motoneurons
N-Acetyl-m-aminophenol iPSC-neurons
Liver/heart/lung Capecitabine Primary human hepatocytes Adhesive film Hydrogel Rapid-prototyping of patterned adhesive films Cell viability Metabolism-associated toxicity assessment 179
Ifosfamide Hepatic stellate cells Glass
Kupffer cells PMMA
Liver-derived endothelial cells
Human cardiac fibroblast
Cardiac endothelium cells
Lung/liver Aflatoxin B1 Human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) Collagen N/A Cell viability Metabolism-associated toxicity assessment 180
HepaRG™ cells Transepithelial electrical resistance
Gene expression
Liver/kidney Aflatoxin B1 HepG2 Device from ChipShop Collagen N/A Cell viability Metabolism-associated toxicity assessment 181
Benzoalphapyrene Hek293 Cell survival curve
Intestines/kidney Digoxin combined with colestyramine or verapamil Caco-2 cells PDMS Collagen Soft lithography Cell apoptosis Absorption-associated toxicity assessment 183
Primary rat glomerular microtissues Micromolding Cell viability
Lactate dehydrogenase leakage
Gut/kidney Ciprofloxacin Caco-2 Polycarbonate N/A Computer numerical control machining Cell viability Therapeutic efficacy 184
Gentamicin HKC-8 PDMS Soft lithography Transepithelial electrical resistance Toxicity assessment
Lung cancer Doxorubicin Lung cancer NCI–H1437 cells Nusil medical grade silicone Collagen 3D printing Impedance Toxicity assessment 192
Docetaxel Elastomer pH
Glass Cell viability
Breast cancer Epirubicin MDA-MB-231 GelMA microdroplets GelMA hydrogel Electrohydrodynamic 3D printing Cell viability Toxicity assessment 193
Paclitaxel Cell morphology
Heart/breast cancer Doxorubicin Human iPSC-CM PDMS Gelatin Conventional photolithography Cardiac biomarkers (Troponin T and CK-MB) Chemotherapy-induced toxicity assessment 197
Fibroblasts GelMA hydrogel Breast cancer biomarker (HER-2)
Heart/colon cancer Doxorubicin iPSC-CM PDMS Fibrin gel Soft lithography Heart beating Chemotherapy-induced toxicity assessment 198
Oxaliplatin iPSC-EC Replica molding
Colon adenocarcinoma cell line (SW620)
Heart/liver cancer Doxorubicin Primary human CM PDMS Fibronectin Multilayer soft lithography replica molding Cell viability Metabolism-associated toxicity assessment 199
HepG2 Bovine gelatin Release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
Liver/breast tumor Capecitabine HepG2 PDMS Alginate Soft lithography Cell viability Metabolism-associated therapeutic efficacy evaluation 200
Irinotecan HUVEC PMMA Agarose
Adriamycin HCT116 Collagen
Epirubicin MCF7 Matrigel
Liver/colorectal cancer Cyclophosphamide Primary human hepatocytes Polystyrene N/A Injection molding Tumor microtissue diameters Metabolism study 201
Ifosfamide HCT116 Toxicity assessment
Liver/bone marrow/uterine cancer Mixture of doxorubicin, cyclosporine, and nicardipine HepG2/C3A Silicon, Plexiglass Human blood plasma fibronectin Photolithography Cell viability Therapeutic efficacy evaluation 202
MEG-01 Deep reactive ion etching
Breast cancer/vascularized microenvironments Adenosine hBM-MSC PDMS Fibrin gel Soft lithography Cell viability Therapeutic efficacy evaluation 203
OD hBM-MSC Vessel permeability
GFP-HUVEC Expression of antimetastatic marker A3AR
Cancer cell migration distance

N/A, not applicable; CM, cardiomyocytes; ECM, extracellular matrix; BBB, blood–brain barrier; GelMA, gelatin methacryloyl; HUVEC, human umbilical vein endothelial cells; iPSC, induced pluripotent stem cells; PDMS, polydimethylsiloxane; PIPAAm, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide); PMMA, poly(methyl methacrylate); ROS, reactive oxygen species; TEER, transepithelial electrical resistance.