Figure 1. Vis-OCTA and vis-OCT identify corneal neovascularization and reduced SC area and volume in NC-Foxc2-/- mice.
(A, B) Representative angiograms of an individual vis-OCTA raster scan from adult, 7-mo-old Foxc2fl/fl control (A) and NC-Foxc2-/- (B) mice. (C, D) Representative cross-sectional vis-OCT B-scan images from Foxc2fl/fl control (C) and NC-Foxc2-/- (D) mice. Red shaded area denotes the SC area. (E, F) Representative compound circumlimbal scans composed of eight separate raster angiograms each from Foxc2fl/fl control (E) and NC-Foxc2-/- (F) mice. Scale bar: 200 μm. (G) Representative plot of SC area versus length from one adult Foxc2fl/fl control mouse at IOP levels ranging from 10 mmHg below baseline IOP to 10 mmHg above baseline IOP. SC area is measured from segmented vis-OCT B-scan images. (H) Representative plots of the SC area versus length from one adult NC-Foxc2-/- mice at IOP levels ranging from 10 mmHg below baseline IOP to 10 mmHg above baseline IOP. (I) Relative SC volume plotted against change in IOP, where the cycle of IOP changes was repeated three times in the same mouse to give a mean and standard error for N = 3 Control and N = 4 NC-Foxc2-/- mice. SC volume for each IOP and group was normalized by the mean Foxc2fl/fl control SC volume at baseline IOP. (J, K) Linear fit of relative SC volume and height as a function of IOP with 95% confidence interval of fits given by dotted lines for N = 6 Control and N = 6 NC-Foxc2-/- mice where each IOP level was repeated three times. (L, M) Linear fit of normalized volume and SC height relative to mean height at 10 mmHg below baseline IOP for each eye with 95% confidence error of fits given for N = 6 Control and N = 6 NC-Foxc2-/- mice where each IOP level was repeated three times. Statistical analysis: two-way ANOVA with Šídák’s multiple comparisons test. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***, P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001.
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