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. 2023 Jun 28;17:11782218231182552. doi: 10.1177/11782218231182552

Table 1.

Sociodemographic and opioid use characteristics related to consumption patterns of patients in treatment for opioid use (n = 3325).

Total New patients (n = 393) Old patients (n = 2932) P unadjusted P adjusted c
n % N % n %
 Men 2669 80.3 318 80.9 2351 80.2
 Women 656 19.7 75 19.1 581 19.8 .787 .983
Age (years)
 ⩽35 738 22.2 152 38.7 586 20.0
 36-49 1688 50.8 171 43.5 1517 51.8
 ⩾50 898 27.0 70 17.8 828 28.2 <.001 <.001
Country of birth
 Spanish 2546 79.0 257 65.9 2289 80.9
 Other 675 21.0 133 34.1 542 19.1 <.001 <.001
Employment status
 Working 780 23.5 103 26.2 677 23.1
 Not working 2545 76.6 290 73.8 2255 76.9 .297 .543
Education level
 Primary or less 1591 47.8 210 53.4 1381 47.1
 Secondary or more 1734 52.2 183 46.6 1551 52.9 .02 .15
Place of residence
 House or apartment 2268 68.2 295 75.1 1973 67.3
 Others a 1057 31.8 98 24.9 959 32.7 .002 .414
Living situation
 Alone 722 21.7 78 19.8 644 22.0
 Family 1650 49.6 236 60.1 1414 48.3
 Others b 953 28.7 79 20.1 874 29.8 <.001 .1
Marital status
 Married/married in fact 622 18.7 109 27.7 513 17.5
 Other 2703 81.3 284 72.3 2419 82.5 <.001 .002
 Yes 780 23.5 72 18.3 708 24.1
 No 2545 76.5 321 81.7 2224 75.9 .011 .088
Source of reference to addiction center
 Own initiative 1831 55.1 226 57.5 1605 54.7
 Others’ initiative 1494 44.9 167 42.6 1327 45.3 .001 .008
Primary opioid of use
 Heroin 3122 93.9 332 84.5 2790 95.2
 Non-heroin 203 6.1 61 15.5 142 4.8 <.001 <.001
Age of initial consumption (years)
 ⩽24 2131 70.2 172 47.0 1959 73.4
 >24 903 29.8 194 53.0 709 26.6 <.001 <.001
Frequency of use
 Every day 1828 55.0 298 75.8 1530 52.2
 Not every day 1497 45.0 95 24.2 1402 47.8 <.001 <.001
 Yes 534 16.1 42 10.7 492 16.8
 No 2791 83.9 351 89.3 2440 83.2 .002 .008
Addicted to 2 substances
 No 1767 53.1 230 58.5 1537 52.4
 Yes 1558 46.9 163 41.5 1395 47.6 .026 .006
Use of cocaine (past month)
 Yes 1502 45.2 153 38.9 1349 46.0
 No 1823 54.8 240 61.1 1583 54.0 .01 .006
Use of cannabis (past month)
 Yes 310 9.3 28 7.1 282 9.6
 No 3015 90.7 365 92.9 2650 90.4 .11 .042
Use of alcohol (past month)
 Yes 284 8.5 24 6.1 260 8.9
 No 3041 91.5 369 93.9 2672 91.1 .117 .017
 Yes 531 16.0 16 4.1 515 17.6
 No/unknown 2794 84.0 377 95.9 2417 82.4 <.001 .01
 Yes 1190 35.8 46 11.7 1144 69.0
 No/unknown 2135 64.2 347 88.3 1788 61.0 <.001 <.001

Institutions or homeless.


Institutions, friends, or others.


Adjusted by: Age, sex, country of birth, place of residence, and marital status; HIV; Opioid; Frequency of use and method.