Figure 6.
Routine liver tests predict weight loss in patients with PDAC. A, Analysis of the Clalit HealthCare database for liver biochemical tests demonstrate that patients with nonmetastatic PDAC with shorter survival time have abnormal liver parameters at the time of diagnosis compared with those with longer survival (n = 2,037, survival of <0.5 years; n = 659, survival of 0.5–1 year; n = 342, survival of 1–1.5 years; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001). ALB, albumin; ns, not significant; PT, prothrombin time. B, Kaplan–Meier survival curves of patients with PDAC from the Clalit database (left) and from the Sheba and Souraski medical centers (right) demonstrate decreased survival in PDAC patients with high liver function scores. P = 0.0003 and P < 0.0001, respectively. C and D, Analysis of data from the Sheba and Sourasky medical centers. C, Liver score does not correlate with pancreatic cancer disease stage. LA, locally advanced; MTX, metastatic disease. D, Correlation of weight loss during PDAC for high (red) and low (blue) liver scores of patients with PDAC from the Sheba and Sourasky medical centers, as binned by stage of disease at diagnosis (linear regression P = 0.02). E, Graphical summary of the findings proposing a mechanism for the tumor-induced systemic metabolic changes in the livers of patients with cancer and cancer-bearing mice that can lead to cancer-associated cachexia (created with